Fauci Lied. NIH Funded Gain-of-Function Research, says the NIH

A top NIH official admitted in a Wednesday letter that the US-funded so-called “gain-of-function” research in Wuhan, China – and that the US nonprofit which conducted it, EcoHealth Alliance – led by the controversial Peter Daszak, “failed to report” that they had created a chimeric bat coronavirus which could infect humans.

“The NIH–specifically, Collins, Fauci, and Tabak–lied to Congress, lied to the press, and lied to the public. Knowingly. Willfully. Brazenly.” — Richard H. Albright, Rutgers University Board of Governors Chemistry Professor.

Well, isn’t that special. Fauci and Daszak were directly involved in the development of a coronavirus which could well be the one unleashed on the world. And then Fauci lied to Congress, under direct explicit questioning by Rand Paul. In fact, even calling Rand Paul a liar.

Small wonder Fauci is so aggressive in addressing his critics and recommending mask and vaccine mandates. Deflecting and misdirecting scrutiny of his complicity in developing the coronavirus. Such an evil man.

“World-first” Australian study held up as proof Victoria’s mandatory face mask policy worked

One problem. Medical researchers and experts say “Its crap”. It is riddled with basic errors and should never have been published in a major journal.

The paper, published in July this year by the Burnet Institute, attempts to justify Victoria’s mask mandate with “real science.”

“There has been a lot of low-quality research that has come out in the pandemic, but for this to be used as a basis for a policy change is staggering,” said Dr Kyle Sheldrick, a medical researcher and PhD candidate at the University of NSW.

Another researcher, an eminent Australian clinician and scientist who spoke on the condition of anonymity, was equally scathing. “I agree, it’s crap,” he said. “It’s extremely lightweight. I think it’s a totally feeble article. It doesn’t have a rigorous methodology and it is weak in its scientific inference.”

But, as with all things Covid, Dr Sheldrick said despite its obvious flaws, very few scientists would be willing to publicly call out the study.

In contrast, one of the largest real-world studies, a randomized controlled trial of nearly 5000 Danish people, found virtually no difference in Covid-19 infection rates when people wore masks outside the home.

As an example of how feeble the Burnet study is, researchers relied on images from the photo library of The Age newspaper showing Melbourne community settings to conclude that mask usage rose from 43 per cent to 97 per cent after the July 22 mandate came into effect. Dr Sheldrick said it was “hard to think of a worse methodology to answer this question than just looking at which photos are collected by a metropolitan newspaper”.

In addition, the paper’s authors conceded that Covid-19 transmission fell at the same time in rural areas, where masks were not introduced.

Clearly, the researchers started from the conclusion they wanted and backfilled the “evidence.”

Beware the COVIDPass

Down the rabbit hole …

The COVIDPass has recently been introduced as a global proof-of-vaccination status pass. But in order to work as promised, it needs to look for trackers or markers. CovidPass appears to rely on a blood test to determine vaccination status. Do the vaccines have such markers in them introduced into the body?

And what else is in the vaccine? How about weird hydra-like tentacled thingys that seem to move? And nanotechnologies such as superconducting materials becoming visible after being hit by a white light i.e. an operating system? Dr Carrie Madej obtained vials of vaccine and put them under a 400x compound-microscope. Those are some of the things she found.

Dr. Franc Zalewski continues on this track. He claims a parasite is being introduced by the vaccine. This is a bit too strange and spooky. Zalewski also claims that the swabs used to swipe inside the nasal passage does more than collect Covid samples. It is also the type of swab used to collect DNA. So were all those millions or billions of tests in fact collecting DNA for a global database?

Ever hear the phrase “transhumanism”? Transhumanism is a philosophy that humans can be improved and transformed through the introduction of biotechnologies into the body. Are nanotechnologies being introduced into through the vaccine for surveillance and predictive policing. Check out the “Trust Stamp” and related “Wellness Pass” introduced by the Gates Foundation in Africa. Sure sounds like it.

Sh*t, transhumanism, gain-of-function viruses. Bloody hell! How do we reign in these maniacs?


I don’t know. This is all very strange. I prefaced this post by suggesting I was going down the rabbit hole, i.e. a place where real and unreal intermingle. The vaccine appears to be a trojan horse of some sort, for introducing nanotechnologies or micro-organisms. In one of the previous posts, we are seeing upticks in hospitalizations for a variety of causes, which appear to be unrelated to Covid, but are occurring in the vaccinated population. Maybe the proverbial chicken is coming home to roost.

LET’S GO BRANDON! Oh, and F*ck Fauci.

… more on Natural Immunity. Spoiler alert — if you recovered from Covid, you ain’t gonna get it again!

Don’t let the lack of discussion fool you. Natural immunity is superior protection to Covid infection than vaccination. Brownstone Institute compiled a list of 30 peer reviewed studies that come to that conclusion.

And for bonus points, Jimmy Dore looks at the science related to relying on vaccination as the only health treatment for Covid. Needless to say, all of the studies and quotes Dore considers concludes the ineffectiveness of the vaccine at keeping people from catching and spreading Covid renders the vaccine mandate discussion moot. Why shoot up something that doesn’t even work? Always remember, its not about Covid, its about the vaccine. (note: this Jimmy Dore video has now been censored by Fakebook. Must be something to it.)

And hospitals are hiding and obfuscating what’s really happening.

Trust the science. F*ck Fauci.



From The Gateway Pundit:

The Brownstone Institute for Social and Economic Research published a list of 91 different clinical research studies which each conclude that naturally acquired immunity is at the very least equal to, but in many cases vastly superior, to the experimental mRNA vaccines that are currently available. Every single one of the studies was conducted over the past year and a half and specifically analyzed natural immunity in relation to the Covid-19 outbreak that originated in China.

The results are shocking. In just one study that looked at “52,238 employees in an American healthcare system,” researchers found that the reinfection rate among individuals who had recovered from Covid-19, even if they had gone on to get the vaccine after recovering, was “almost zero.”

Most notably, of the almost 1,400 “previously infected subjects” who had never received a Covid-19 vaccine, not a single one was reinfected with the virus. The data was so clear that researchers concluded vaccination is “unlikely to benefit” individuals with natural immunity.

Soo, everyone with natural immunity need to get “The Jab,” umm, because Covid.

Yeah? F*ck right off. Take your Jab and shove it.

Trump 2024, DeSantis 2028 & 2032. Let’s Go Brandon!

ALL CAUSE deaths on the Rise

Scotland and Germany are reporting All Cause deaths have increased year over year (in Scotland average running 5 years). Germany +10%, Scotland +30%. Scotland is seeing 20 straight weeks of excessive deaths over the 5 -year average.

And in related news, in Rochester NY, a physician whistleblower says, while less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for Covid-19, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received the vaccine.  These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to COVID-19 infections.  There were many individuals who were young, many who presented with unusual or unexpected health events, and many who were admitted months after vaccination. 

Now, what happened over the last year that could be pushing up mortality rates. Hmm.

Perhaps the toxicity of the vaccines is beginning to dig in. As noted in articles below, the spike proteins the mRNA vaccines programs the body to produce are toxic. Once the body is programmed to produce the spike proteins, it produces them forever. And guess where they go … they accumulate in the body, in the ovaries (reproduction), the bone marrow (red blood cell production) and they spike into capillary walls causing coagulation and clotting.

Methinks this is only the beginning of a true global health crisis.

update 201121: UK is experiencing a significant of deaths over the 5-year rolling average. Health authorities are perplexed, but believe it is due to the lock-downs and not getting access to treatments. But we know the real reason. What they need to do is determine whether the people dying have been vaccinated. We will be seeing more of this in the coming months.

COVIDLAND: The Lockdown

NOT the official narrative. Yeah yeah, I know, its Alex Jones and InfoWars. But conspiracy theory vs conspiracy fact. Read the comments, lots of people are coming to understand the facts. Time to wake up.

35:00 — CDC even states on their website (likely taken down) that only 6% of reported Covid deaths could actually be attributed to Covid. Other 94% had other co-morbidities or other underlying conditions. There were no autopsies.

35:45 — In the US, ventilators killed 9 out of 10 people put on these mechanical ventilators. Data from China indicated 31 out of 32 people on ventilators died. Death sentence.

Its not about Covid. Its all about the Vaccine.

Natural vs Vaccine Immunity

Really good objective comparison of data for natural vs vaccine immunity by Dr John Campbell. Net conclusion at 20:34 — “Natural immunity results in a better grade of immunity than vaccine immunity.”

… vaccination if you have already had Covid infection “can result in systemic side effects.”

Here is a quick look at the amazing shrinking effectiveness of vaccines.

Oh, and about the J&J jab, a recently published study reported a steep decline in vaccine effectiveness against infection by August of this year (2021), especially for people who received the J&J vaccine. Researchers found that among more than 600,000 veterans, J&J’s vaccine’s protection fell from 88% in March to 3% in August.

Hmm … in five month the effectiveness of the J&J vaccine declined to just 3%. No wonder Big Pharma is promoting booster shots. Basically, with 3% effectiveness, you may as well be unvaccinated. Except for those pesky side effects. That suggests, based on Israeli data, that natural immunity is more than a hundred times more effective than J&J’s vaccine.

By comparison, Pfizer’s effectiveness declined to 50% in August from 91% and Moderna’s fell to 64% from 92%.

So says the data. Trust the science. LET’S GO BRANDON! Oh, and F*ck Fauci too.

Covid-19 and the Global Predators

Do ya think Covid was a random act of nature? Think again (link to The Burning Plaform blog).

Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin says in his new book, Covid-19 and the Global Predators, an evil cabal of powerful elites — including Fauci, Bill Gates, and World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab — created the COVID pandemic to push the deadly vaccines on an unsuspecting public, and usher in a “new world order. He argues that the U.S. government began its vaccine rollout by enticing people to get the experimental shot using various bribes, then moved on to forcing the injections on unwilling people by threatening their employment, imposing higher health insurance rates, making it more difficult for them to travel, and even denying them health care. Breggin says we are in the midst of worldwide propaganda campaign designed to make people feel helpless, docile, and obedient. “We are being oppressed by evil people” who are working toward a worldwide totalitarian regime.

In 2010, Bill Gates pronounced ‘the decade of the vaccine,’ with his pal Fauci as a partner in the declaration. Gates said he founded the “Decade of Vaccines” project in 2010, assembling a committee made up of globalists to implement a Global Vaccine Action Plan. You don’t need to guess how that ended. We are seeing it play out in real time.

In 2015, Gates held an event that was “in anticipation of a pandemic,” that made it apparent that they were working on creating a pandemic and a deadly vaccine to go along with it.

In 2016, Gates created a 65-page business plan for the next pandemic. That business plan lays out everything that is happening to us now. In particular, it lays out that Bill Gates will be working with CEPI, an organization he founded in 2017 with Klaus Schwab, who touted “the Great Reset” in 2020.

Read article on the link. Time well-wasted.

Uh oh …

Watch this before it gets censored.

If the mean people at yu-toob take it down, here is the Rumble link to Dr Ryan Cole’s who is seeing a 20x increase in cancers among those who took the jab.

What the jab does to the immune system … Can you say wreck’d? Adaptive immune system got destroyed within 30 days of The Jab.

Auto-immunity … gone.

People that get infected with Covid after two jabs suffer what is being called a “breakthrough” infection. Whelp, here it is.