Mind-blowing Testimony from Tom Renz

Where did Covid-19 come from? DOD immunized a soldier in 2014 for SARS-CoV-2. Hmm.

“Does anybody believe that we transferred that sort of [bioweapon] technology to a CCP lab, without an okay from the DoD or CIA? I’ve got news for you. They knew exactly what was going on.”

“When someone got this [COVID] shot. They didn’t get it from Pfizer or Moderna. They got it from the DoD. The DoD distributed this.”

Renz was testifying before the government panel on SARS-CoV-2 set up by Marjorie Taylor Green. He is trying to put together a case to sue Pfizer et al. But, guess what? The entity that is actually shielding big pharma is the DOD. You cannot go after big pharma. You have to sue DOD. Hmm.

“They” knew exactly what was going on. This was no mistake or accident.

The Mess in the Middle East

This is clearly a sticky situation. It is very complex, given the long history of animosity in the region.

With that, here is an interesting historical perspective, posted 12 years ago on utoob. If true, which I assume it is, the Isreal – Palestine situation could have been resolved multiple times decades ago. It was the Palestinians that continuously refused offers to establish an independent state. Each offer was met with more Palestinian violence against Isreal, and vows to exterminate all Jews.

Think again whom does not want peace.

Things are seldom as they seem.