“I have a PhD” … the great reveal

Anthropologist” (and I use the term loosly), Gabby Yearwood, who’s claim to fame is he has a PhD, confesses that he cannot tell from human remains whether it is male or female.

Umm … umm … I can’t fathom an appropriate response to his ignorance and/or incompetence.

So, you get a PhD in anthropology, and you cannot tell the difference between a male and a female?

Umm …

Trust the science and the scientist??

…. wait for it …


So … in 8 – 12 years of study to become an “anthropogist” you cannot tell the diefference between a male and a female?


The best part in the video is when he claims that he has a PhD!

“But, but I have a PhD!!”

Yeah, right. That means you are unassailable.

What a fuc*ing maroon. Science is doomed with virtual signaling morons like this.

Education system is phucked, spewing out trash like this.

Go to trade school. University degree is a waste of time and money.

They Knew … Lipid Nanoparticles broadly distributed throughout the body within minutes of The Jab

Dr John Campbell reviews Australian Government document January 2021 that used Pfizer global data. The document was obtained through the FOIA and redacted. Because, of course, the Australian Govt does not want people to know they were lying about the dispersion of the mRNA throughout the body. Not isolated at the injection site, as they told us.

January 2021. Before the Emergency Use Authorization. They knew, kept it from us, and destroyed the world.

This is the spectre that will haunt the vaccinated for years to come. Excess mortality is real. Vaccine injury and death. They knew.

Check out the second video as well, Prof Robert Clancy. Fertility is affected.

Can you say “depopulation”?

The March to WWIII

We have already entered WWIII. The kinetic hot war in Ukraine is the obvious flash point. But, war is not only fought on the battlefield. Its economic, its societal, its social media, its terror acts on gas pipelines. The war on truth.

Expect to see more of this.

The unipolar world the US has dominated for the past decades is rapidly devolving into a multipolar world. US hegemony is cracking. The greatest threat to US hegemony is the collapse of the US$ as the de facto global currency. This is occurring.

US$ hegemony was enabled and supported when the petrodollar was established in in 1979, when the United States and Saudi Arabia negotiated the United States-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation. They agreed to use U.S. dollars for oil contracts. In fact, ALL global oil contracts were settled in US$, which meant that ALL oil consuming countries had to have a large reserve of US$, which meant huge demand for US$, which meant huge global demand for US treasury bills (ie the US debt instrument). This allowed the US to export inflation to the rest of the world, as it was able to run up debt (now $32 Trillion) with little real penalty other countries would incur, in the form of depreciating currency.

The seismic crack has been occurring as countries (e.g. Russia, India, China, others) are now designating energy contracts in non-US$. The implication is that there will be less demand for US$, which means the demand for US treasury bills will fall, forcing the US to increase the interest rate to stoke demand. But rising interest rates have a HUGE impact on current and outstanding debt (e.g. try rolling over $32 Trillion in debt with 1% increase in interest). The spiral is already beginning to spin out of control. The Fed can’t have both low inflation and low interest rates.

Real pain to the US will occur if countries, like China, with vast US$ reserves (held as T-bills) sell them. This will cause the collapse of the US$ and massive, hyperinflation ala the Weimar Republic.

¡Ay, caramba!

The US is in an existential battle to maintain its global hegemony. Its psychopathic overlords refuse to lose Ukraine to Russia. It is willing to fight to the last Ukrainian. That won’t take long, given that the average frontline Ukrainian soldier’s life expectancy is a mere 4 hours.

The US has provided Ukraine with $32 Billion in military aid, and $113 in total aid. A black hole with no end in sight.

Then what?

With Ukraine, China is aligned with Russia. The US is, predictably, furious, and is threatening China with sanctions. After all, only the US is allowed to dump weapons and support into the war. And the rest of the world, primarily the southern hemisphere countries, are defying the US. China’s 12-point peace predictably plan fell on deaf and bellicose ears in the the US and NATO countries, but the rest of the world would like to see an end.

The truth behind the war in Ukraine. How the war actually started. The overthrow of the legitimate Ukrainian government in 2014 by the US was the inflection point. John Mearsheimer: UKRAINE WAR WILL END IN HORROR.

NBC told Americans the truth about Crimea for the first time and its reporter wound up on the Ukrainian government’s kill list alongside several other US citizens, journos, clergy and even children.

Its over for Ukraine. When MSM gives up on The Narrative in favor of reality, you know its over.

Psychopaths rule the world.

The More Vaxxed you are the More Likely you will Die of Covid

Not exactly the narrative we have been hearing, is it.

Link to Steve Kirsch’s Substack.

Using official New Zealand health data, the results are damning.

Game Over: Medicare data shows Covid vaccines increase your chances of dying.

No going back people. Excess mortality is stalking the vaxxed.

and if all that is not enough

or this

Steve Krisch on excess mortality in Australia


Global euthanasia is a product feature

The cumulative number of US deaths reported to VAERS is 16,903 and the number of adverse events is 936,484

50,663 DEAD and 5,315,063 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database

The truth about the origins of Covid, Dr Andrew Huff on Bannon’s War Room. It came out of Wuhan lab. Leaked into wild, likely due to poor security protocols. The US provided the advanced bio-technology and training to the Wuhan lab necessary to conduct the gain-of-function research with full knowledge of the CIA. The US was totally complicit and cannot evade responsibility. This is THE red pill.

Thailand to become first country in the world to declare its Pfizer contracts null and void

Thailand will declare contracts with Pfizer null and void, due to fraud related to the vaccine. In addition to ending the Pfizer contracts, the Thai government also plans to seek retribution to the tune of billions of dollars in payback from the company. That money will then go towards compensating all Thai people who “lost their existence” as a result of the Pfizer Jab rollout. 

And if you have Pfizer on your resume, it appears you may need to beware the shadows. Bypassing any possible (unlikely?) Nuremberg 2 trial and going directly to punishment, the permanent kind. If there is a list, I know who I’d want on it.


War crimes trials for lying about vaccine effectiveness and safety. Switzerland and Thailand. “Swiss President and the Minister of Health are under investigation, indictment, and prosecution by the Attorney General for Covid Crimes involving lying about the vaccine effectiveness and safety. Thailand convening war crime tribunals to nullify Pfizer Contracts.”

“The year of 2023 is the year of absolute truth for humanity.”

We shall see.


  • Animal vaccinations are all mRNA. Food supply is toxic.
  • US DoD is running the Covid vaccine “operation.” Outside of the purview of health regulators. “Vaccine” is clearly a bioweapon. THIS PRESENTATION IS PROFOUND
  • This information combined with the Seymour Hersh expose revealing the US blew up Nord Stream pipeline fully reveals the US as a rogue state.
  • We knew long ago that the US DoD was involved in funding Wuhan lab as well as bio labs in Ukraine.
  • Pfizer in court: “We did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud the government ordered”
  • Conspiracy of US DoD et al to commit mass murder, bioterrorism …
  • Putin seized the biolabs in Ukraine and has all the evidence of complicity and malfeasance. War crimes for bioweapons are being conducted right now. Putin likely collaborating with Thai government in war crimes tribunal.
  • Thailand is going to free the world from tyranny.
  • Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DoD, HHS, and Pharma Cartel Via the COVID Injections — trains your body to destroy itself
  • The public health emergency is the keystone that holds all the criminality together
  • The “government” used a pseudo legal framework to establish and enforce the health emergency. “Other transaction authority (OTA)” allowed the government to enforce mandates and avoid accountability. Not subject to scrutiny. Totally calculated.
  • Summary of all evidence => intent to commit harm

And then there’s this:

Japanese researchers sue the government for hiding inconvenient truths about the Jab

The dam is about to burst.

… and That, my friends, is THAT …

US/NATO is clearly at war with Russia. And losing. And know they have lost.

WWIII started. The West lost.

Ukraine is slowly being ground down.

You didn’t know that? Don’t listen to MSM. Don’t believe your government. Its all narrative, all the time.

Now what?

Ukraine stooges for US/NATO have closed off any chance to negotiated settlement. Primarily because the collective West have already said they can’t be trusted to honor agreements, which they have no intention of honoring. Thanks for the frank duplicitous confession, Frau Merkel.

Ukraine will be decided on the ground. Not by fake offers of negotiated settlements. Russia is going to obliterate Ukraine. At the same time, the Russians are demilitarizing NATO.

US/NATO has over the last few decades picked on small regional powers … and lost (hello Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam). Now, they are confronted with a peer power, who is much more agile and able to replenish stocks of weapons rapidly.

Here is an enlightening analysis of Russian preparedness for Total War, vs US/NATO. Western countries rely on overengineered, technically advanced systems that are complicated to use, and fail consistently in real-world situations.

Now, faced against a real power, NATO is getting obliterated. Paper tiger, failing miserably in its stated mission and purpose.

But, the beat goes on, and the west is preparing its populations for full-on war.

The west is signalling its getting ready for war with China in two years. Yeah, pretty rich, isn’t it. Confronts Russia and loses. Not to be deterred, getting ready to confront China, with Taiwan as a pretext. Hmm, how might this end?

While trying to normalize the use of nuclear weapons. Ahh, back-up plan for the existential threat.

For those that aren’t eliminated by The Jab, nuclear winter is coming for you.

At some point in the near future, the world population with be whittled to the less than billion Gates says is sustainable.

Psychopaths run the world.

Ukraine: Death of a State

Despite what the western propagandists tell you, Ukraine is lost.

Here is, from my perspective, an accurate account of the war — Russo-Ukrainian War: The World Blood Pump.

I don’t understand why Ukraine is so important to the west. There has clearly been something nefarious going on there for a long time. US biolabs, Trump trapped by a phone call, the 2014 coup led by Victoria Nuland, a comedienne placed as President, money laundering of aid through FTX to US politicians, Hunter Biden’s ties to Burisma and other Ukraine business etc etc. It is clear that to the west, in particular the US, Ukraine is a central pillar for illegal US government activity.

Sad that so many Ukrainians have been and will be ground up in the meat grinder. An entire generation of men, lost. Yeah, the west will fight until the last Ukrainian. So sad.

And for extra credit reading: World Economic Fuck’em, by Quoth the Raven. Honestly, any sniveling servant that attends the WEF meeting in Davos should immediately lose their jobs and be censured. What a quackery.

The Fast Track to Dystopia

COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation, Michael Bryant

Bryant sums it up pretty succinctly. Covid, the global pandemic was/is a ruse to hide the true criminal conspiracy — the planned collapse of the global economic system and the ushering in of a new era of complete control of the plebes by the elite. “All of this is hidden in plain sight, planned and executed as evidenced in multiple tabletop exercises such as Event 201 and delineated in numerous documents such as The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

The tell to me was always the derivatives market, the total global amount being estimated at $1.5 quadrillion dollars. A number so huge as to defy comprehension, and to defy any ability for accumulated debt to be paid back. It is a house of cards waiting to be blown away by a tsunami.

According to Bryant, the defining moment occurred in August 2019, when the repo market was cracking, and US dollars and Treasures were no longer being accepted as collateral for debt. By September, the Fed was pumping $10-20B dollars PER DAY into the repo market to stem its collapse. Per Bryant:

The end game, currently in motion, is for the Central Banks (Fed) to buy up all the toxic, worthless debt from the hedge funds and banks, including the 1.5 quad trillion of derivatives, and then transfer the debt to the treasury as sovereign debt. They will then print money to infinity, already fully underway, to service this fictitious debt to sink the dollar via hyperinflation and then foreclose on the US and everyone else holding debt in worthless dollars.

That’s the coup: global hyperinflation to vaporize the assets of the masses and the states in order to hand over public assets to private investors. This allows the ruling class to mop up properties (bankrupted small businesses, foreclosed homes etc.) in order to stake limitless claims on everything in the world.

i.e. a MASSIVE bailout of the financial elite, who have been gaming the system for decades, vacuuming up wealth and placing bets in the derivatives market using free money disguised as debt. Now that the debt bomb is exploding, the Central Banks (the global elites) are bailing themselves out by crashing the system, so they can “build back better” with even more complete control.

The timely arrival of Covid in the late fall, following the notorious Event 201, locked the global population down, locked the global economy, and gave The State (the global elites) the power and cover to usher in 1984.

If you pay any attention at all, we are clearly on the verge of financial calamity. True inflation is probably around 20%. The blindingly obvious lie is that “we may be headed into a recession,” when, by any historical official economic measure, recession is defined as two quarters of negative growth. We are unquestionably in a recession now. Or worse.

The Fed is playing the man behind the green curtain, toying with the ruse of raising interest rates to stem inflation. While Congress passes a $1.5 trillion spending bill that will massively stoke inflation. Adding to the $30+ trillion in debt the US now holds. It costs $580B to service that debt, which means that the government either has to squeeze other program spending or acquire more debt.

This whole thing is a Ponzi scheme that has run out of patsies. And there is nothing you can do about it.

Bonus read: How the FBI Hacked Twitter.