The Fraud that is Science … Peer Reviewed Journals are Hokum

Interesting article by Jo Nova.

Thousands of peer reviewed articles in scientific journals being withdrawn because they are fake science. In the old days, pre-AI, they were just faked. Now with AI, they are science fiction.

One publisher estimates that last year, at least 1% of published peer-reviewed articles were written by AI. What’s even more stunning is the non-sensical grammar, is so blindingly obvious, a real peer review would have rejected the submission outright. But, they got published. What does that tell you about the peer review process.

From the article:

Even if one in five computer science papers are written by computers, this is just the tip of the iceberg of the rot at the core of “peer reviewed research”. The real rot is not the minor fraudsters making papers that no one reads to pad out their curriculum vitae. It’s the institutional parasites taking billions from taxpayers to create modeled garbage to justify the theft of trillions. But that’s another story.

The scientific community is suggesting the way to grapple with this fraud is, rather than relying on a peer reviewed publication process, to actually hold debates on the proposed science. Haha. Yeah, sure. How many vaccine proponents and defenders have accepted debate challenges from Steve Kirsch, despite offers of up to $1 million to do so. The answer is exactly zero. Why? Because “trust the science.”

And, F*ck these climate models. They are designed to do one thing, generate the right output.

Science, like health care, education, government, entertainment, MSM and every other grift these days is woke, progressive garbage. Its almost as if the plan is to keep us dumb and uninformed by creating fake truth. Nah … that would suggest a conspiracy.

Climate Data Not Data

Think climate science is based on, well science and data? Think again.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which accumulates and analyzes climate data acknowledges that 1/3 of the temperature data used comes from stations that do not exist. They did at one time, but were decommissioned and not replaced.

And, yet, they still report temperature data. Strange, but true.

Not to be thwarted by inoperative sensing stations, the NOAA just makes up the data for the missing stations.

Here is a link to a graphic of all the active physical stations (green) and the “active” not a real station (red).

Funny how that works.

This follows a similar story about the PPI (Purchasing Price Index) as measured by the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics). For March, PPI went negative 0.1% month over month. This was due to the falling price of gasoline, which dropped by 3.6%. Problem is actual gas price rose 6%.

Hmm. How can this happen? Well, BLS massaged the data by using “seasonal adjusted average” which is a projection of what gas price “should” be given seasonality. Not what gas price actually is.

See how this works?

Isn’t this, like, fake news which should be censored?

The Truth is Dribbling Out, and its a Doozy

According to a recent study published in Japan, receiving a blood transfusion from COVID-19-vaccinated individuals could pose a medical risk to unvaccinated recipients since numerous adverse events are being reported among vaccinated people worldwide.

Cherry-picking some of the quotes from the linked article (originally published in Epoch Times):

Medical professionals should be aware of the “various risks associated with blood transfusions using blood products derived from people who have suffered from long COVID and from genetic vaccine recipients, including those who have received mRNA vaccines.”

Repeated vaccination of genetic vaccines can also end up causing “alterations in immune function” among recipients. This raises the risk of serious illnesses due to opportunistic infections or pathogenic viruses, which would not have been an issue if the immune system were normal, the review said.

Some studies have reported that the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines is neurotoxic and capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, the review stated. “Thus, there is no longer any doubt that the spike protein used as an antigen in genetic vaccines is itself toxic.In other words, the vaccine itself is toxic.

“From the perspective of traditional containment of infectious diseases, greater caution is required in the collection of blood from genetic vaccine recipients and the subsequent handling of blood products, as well as during solid organ transplantation and even surgical procedures in order to avoid the risk of accidental blood-borne infection.”

“If the blood product is found to contain the spike protein or a modified gene derived from the genetic vaccine, it is essential to remove them,” it stated. “However, there is currently no reliable way to do so.” Since “there is no way to reliably remove the pathogenic protein or mRNA, we suggest that all such blood products be discarded until a definitive solution is found.”

To summarize, blood from vaccinated donors is tainted with toxic spike proteins, with the potential to cause injury and death in the recipient. Blood products need to have these pathogenic substances removed before using them, but there is no technology today that can remove them. As such, they should not be used and should be destroyed.


FDA Loses in Court Over Ivermectin “Horse Paste” Campaign

In order for “The Jab” to be given Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) status, there had to be no alternatives available. So, they embarked on a campaign to vilify Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

The effort to discredit Ivermectin aimed to tarnish it as a de-wormer for horses, unfit for humans. A lowlight of this campaign was the infamous tweet “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

Well, as we know, this was a total lie (misinformation in wokism-speak). And the FDA had no authority to even offer that advice. The FDA has lost in court and has to remove all mention of the Ivermectin disinformation campaign from its website and marketing materials.

In 2015, the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine honored the discovery of Ivermectin, deeming it “a multifaceted drug deployed against some of the world’s most devastating tropical diseases.” Over six decades, Ivermectin has been distributed in more than 1 billion doses to humans, primarily to fight infections caused by parasites.  

This is an example of clear regulatory capture of the FDA by the Pharma Industrial Complex. This judgement doesn’t go far enough. The FDA officials that authorized that tweet and marketing program should be held personally accountable for the likely thousands or millions of people that were injured or died by discouraging the use of Ivermectin. The vilification was such that doctors would not prescribe it and pharmacists would not fill prescriptions. These are not mistakes.  There is clear intent that resulted in injury and death.

This is truly despicable. Crime Against Humanity.

The Clown Show Continues in Canada

After Jordan Peterson was condemned to sit through corrective media training by the regulatory board, Canada is still at it.

Dr. Miklos Matyas recently lost his appeal of an order issued by the complaints committee of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons.

His crime? Matyas cast doubt on the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, promoted the use of ivermectin, and suggested that surgical masks were ineffective at preventing the disease’s transmission.

From the review committee: “The committee was concerned about the potential impact of the respondent’s (Matyas’) conduct on patient safety and the public interest … in the committee’s view, his statements were contrary to the information and directives provided by the public health agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Further, doctors must ensure that the “scientific claims made to patients are based on verifiable, available evidence.”

One of the complainants is a patient, a Carleton University professor and infectious disease specialist. He stated Matyas spread “unsolicited propaganda” about COVID-19 vaccines, describing them as a useless, money-making venture for pharmaceutical companies.

Matyas told the college the professor “likely experienced cognitive dissonance when I presented him with some of the up-to-date data on the pandemic and COVID-19 management … Cognitive dissonance can result when people hold a core belief that is very strong … the respondent (professor) is likely a very strong believer in the COVID vaccines being the only possible savior of humanity in this pandemic.” He further defended himself against the professor’s suggestion that he was spreading misinformation: “Everything I quoted to him are published facts and I encourage him to develop a little scientific curiously and humility about what he thinks he knows in the field of medical science.”

A professor of infectious diseases.

So, here we are, post-Covid, with new studies coming out nearly daily about excess mortality, the ineffectiveness of masks, the societal damage of lockdowns, and the growing body of evidence that, not only were the vaccines not “safe and effective,” in fact they did not protect from covid infection, they did not stop transmission, and there was clearly a conspiracy to cover up that the virus was developed in a lab using gain-of-function research.

Matyas was exactly right on all accounts. And yet he is found guilty of making statements that were “contrary to the information and directives provided by the public health agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Which turned out to be totally wrong.

Oh … and in Portugal, an appeals court has ruled the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable.

Basically, everything regarding the plandemic has turned out to be the opposite of what we were told.

Conspiracy much?

I can’t wait for Disease X.

The show must go on.

The World is Watching

Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega on NATO, in Europe and in the United States as they unite to defend Nazism in Ukraine. “The blood shed in Palestine and the blood shed in Ukraine is blood shed because of the Nazi-fascist attitude of NATO. We are facing an attempt by world capitalism, imperialism, to reintroduce fascism, Nazism, not only in Europe, not only in Ukraine, but also in our Latin American and Caribbean countries.”

It seems the only ones being hoodwinked are westerners that rely on MSM for their news.

Argentina, Nicaragua, El Salvador. Acknowledging the tyranny of the west. Fighting domestic corruption. They are all joining the BRICs. Basically, we are moving to a bipolar world, US/NATO and the BRICs. The BRICs now represent about 85% of the global population and more than half of the global GDP. What does this mean for the collective West? Spoiler alert … not going in a good direction.

Red Pilled by El Salvador …

President Bukele:

You are Paying High Taxes under the Illusion that you are Funding the US Government, Which you are Not! The Bubble will Burst!

So Who’s Financing the Government? —— Government is financed by treasury bonds, paper

Who buys the Treasury Bonds? —— mostly the FED

How does the FED buy them? —— by printing money.

What backing does the FED have for the money being printed? —— the treasury bonds themselves (get the circular logic)

“So basically you finance the Government by printing money out of thin air. Someone could ask, if the government could print unlimited amount of money out of thin air, why do they collect taxes?”

The World is watching. They know what is going on. Domestics are being Gaslit, and apparently too dumb to see through the façade.

Also, Argentina’s Javier Milei balanced Argentina’s budget in two weeks. Dismissed half the federal bureaucracy. The federal bureaucracy adds no value, and is a drain on society. Kaboom.

Elon Musk dismissed 85% of Twitter employees. Twitter not only did not suffer, but seems to have improved. Kaboom.

Lesson learned: bureaucracy is inefficient, costly and a drag on the economy. If Trump has Vivek Ramaswamy as his VP, guaranteed they will take on the administrative state. The way to do that is to starve them, halve all of the their budgets.

We can only hope.