Umm … umm … I can’t fathom an appropriate response to his ignorance and/or incompetence.
So, you get a PhD in anthropology, and you cannot tell the difference between a male and a female?
Umm …
Trust the science and the scientist??
…. wait for it …
So … in 8 – 12 years of study to become an “anthropogist” you cannot tell the diefference between a male and a female?
The best part in the video is when he claims that he has a PhD!
“But, but I have a PhD!!”
Yeah, right. That means you are unassailable.
What a fuc*ing maroon. Science is doomed with virtual signaling morons like this.
Education system is phucked, spewing out trash like this.
Go to trade school. University degree is a waste of time and money.